As we work to promote Wisconsin companies in securing Department of Defense (DoD) SBIR/STTR contracts, we encourage our clients to become familiar with the review process.
Air Force SBIR Supports Small Business Access to DoD Contracting
CTC interviewed Michael Adam of Adam Aerospace, on his experience with DoD (Air Force) and his road to supporting his R&D with non-dilutive SBIR funding.
Accessing Tesseract Air Force
Air Force innovation cells are popping up across the country, many of which do not have the capability to directly write or influence policy decisions.
DoD Pre-release Announced!
We are excited to see the DoD has ‘pre-released’ their next round of SBIR and STTR Broad Area Announcements (BAA’s).
Crafting a Team for DOD Success
An innovative solution is more than technology. It highlights a distinct benefit to the user. As you consider the April 2022 Dept. of Defense SBIR/STTR release, do some homework to learn about the users need with a focus on mission specific applications.
Towards an Air Force SBIR Open Topics Challenge
On February 16, the CTC hosted a quick chat (view recording) with MSgt.
Innovation: A language we can all speak.
Over the past quarter, the CTC has been privileged to work with the WI Air National Guard (WIANG) via our SBA Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership agreement.
Who you gonna call? A Technical Point of Contact
Okay, yea, it doesn’t have the same ring as Ghostbusters, but is still important.
Department of Defense Releases 22.1 Topics: NO AFWERX OPEN SBIR Topics.
The Department of Defense has pre-released SBIR 2022.
Communicating with Gate Keepers
We are anticipating the next SBIR/STTR Department of Defense (DoD) topics pre-release due December 1.