An innovative solution is more than technology. It highlights a distinct benefit to the user. As you consider the April 2022 Dept. of Defense SBIR/STTR release, do some homework to learn about the users need with a focus on mission specific applications.
COnovate secures financing to accelerate and scale
Congratulations to COnovate — a CTC client, SBIR Advance awardee and 2020 Wisconsin Innovation Award winner — upon securing key SAFE financing from a remarkable partnership led by Tundra Angels, Wisconsin Venture Partners and Jennifer Abele.
Towards an Air Force SBIR Open Topics Challenge
On February 16, the CTC hosted a quick chat (view recording) with MSgt.
SBIR Ready: Covid Catch Up
In March 2020, CTC converted SBIR Ready from an in-person to an online professional development program.
Innovation: A language we can all speak.
Over the past quarter, the CTC has been privileged to work with the WI Air National Guard (WIANG) via our SBA Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership agreement.
Communicating with Gate Keepers
We are anticipating the next SBIR/STTR Department of Defense (DoD) topics pre-release due December 1.
CTC’s take on TechConnect
One of the most valuable activities technology companies can do is go to conferences to meet people and organizations that can help grow the company.
Top 5 reasons your Wisconsin business should innovate with the Air Force (AFWERX)
Fund your innovation with someone else’s money: Over $1M is available in Air Force funding for innovative solutions that can be used by the Air Force.
WI Veterans Chamber of Commerce: Our Mission is Your Success
Join us October 28 to learn about Chamber resources, outreach and connection to Air Force innovation funding and programming.
Join ForwardWERX on October 28 to learn more!
ForwardWERX invites you to learn of our new programs and goals in the upcoming October 28, virtual event. You DO NOT need to be a business, technologist or self-described innovator to participate!