Congratulations to Plumb Pharma — CTC client and SBIR Advance awardee — on winning the 2020 Governor’s Business Plan Contest!
Plumb Pharma of Madison has developed a platform technology for super-extended-release medications that extends release 3-5 times longer than current medications.
A CTC client for nearly a decade, Plumb Pharma is the recipient of multiple SBIR grant awards, from NSF and NIH.
Most recently, Plumb Pharma received guidance from CTC and a Phase 1 SBIR Advance Matching Grant in the spring of 2020. SBIR Advance grant recipients receive CTC staff support throughout the commercialization process, including Lean Startup training, business plan review and other consulting.
“It has been exciting to watch this team develop and grow over the last eight years,” said Dr. Todd Strother, CTC Senior Technology Consultant. “Dedication and the willingness to learn has allowed this team to flourish.”
Two Wisconsin SBDC clients won the other prestigious prizes, AGent+ Solutions won “People’s Choice” and eCourt Reporters won “Bright New Idea.”
The awards were announced at Wisconsin Technology Council’s virtual Wisconsin Entrepreneur’s Conference on June 4, find out more: https://wisconsintechnologycouncil.com/extended-release-drug-delivery-platform-winner-of-the-2020-business-plan-contest/
CTC clients have won the top prize in this contest three times in the past four years: NovoMoto in 2018 and Northern Star Fire in 2017 (see past winners).
If you have an innovative idea that you want to get funded, request consulting now!